How to use MikTeX on Windows workstations:

To create or edit TeX documents on Windows systems the following prerequisites are needed:

For text editing many programs are available. Very common in use with TeX is WinEdt. But this program is shareware and costs money for licensing.
A good alternative at no cost is the text editor PsPad. It has similar properties (syntax highlighting, integration of external compiler and viewer, but using it with MiKTex requires some manual settings.
The easiest way is to use the TeXnicCenter as freeware editor. This program was made for use with MiKTeX and creates most settings on first start automatically.

There are two ways to use MiKTeX on computers in the institute:

As all installation files for MikTeX are available on the physics server UKSP-S0 local installations always should use this repository. This is in order to reduce network traffic to servers outside the university.

Distributed version: 2.7.3224 - 2009

  1. Using the pre installed version of MiKTeX (german)
  2. Installation of MiKTeX on your workplace (german)
  3. Installation of the TeXnicCenter Desktop Environment (german)
  4. Installation of Editor PsPad to use with the pre installed MiKTeX (german)